
#利世民202303 12星期日|矽谷銀行Sili [グラドル]

#利世民 20230312 星期日 | 矽谷銀行 Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) 事件究竟有幾大鑊?

今日主要同大家講吓見到嘅主流分析,又對比吓今次同過去嘅幾次金融危機(2008 年次按風暴、 2001 年科網爆破等)有乜嘢相似嘅地方,又有啲乜嘢唔同嘅地方。

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Dr.StevenG reer:UFODisclo [ダンサー]

Dr. Steven Greer: UFO Discloser or Liar?

Dr. Steven Greer is a controversial figure in the disclosure movement: some people credit his work with bringing the phenomenon of UFOs into mainstream culture, while others believe he is a con-man looking to make money. In this video, I do some investigative research into Dr. Steven Greer and what makes him tick.\

00:00 Introduction
00:39 Hook
01:50 You Are Who You Hang Out With
04:04 Greer's Alien Photo
04:23 False Alibies
05:06 Conclusion
09:18 The Verdict

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#uap #astralcitizens

tag: dr steven greer,dr steven greer ufo disclosure,dr steven greer ufos,dr steven greer uap,above top secret,thirdphaseofmoon,conspiracy theories,conspiracies,investigation,astral citizens
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